Benefits of Membership
Receive advance notice and Member Pricing to all events.
Explore a a different theme at each event to expand your knowledge about wine and develop your palate.
Discover new wine regions and producers.
Taste wines that have been cellared and are at/near their peak drink window.
Enjoy the company of other wine enthusiasts and make new friends.
Receive access to special events & dinners that are reserved for members only.
Annual Membership Fees
Membership year runs from January 1 - December 31
Regular membership: $90 (includes HST)
Two additional members from the same household can join for $55 (includes HST) per person
NEW MEMBERS who join after June 30 will enjoy Membership Pricing for all events through the end of the following calendar year
Sign up here
​​​Tasting Event Fees
Member Pricing for events typically range between $100-$140 ((includes HST)
Non-members and guests can attend events, at a premium price (up to 40%).
Anyone who ​attends an event at the non-member rate will receive a discount on their first membership year if they sign up within 3 weeks.